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Review: Thinking Outside of the Speech Box: Cranial Nerves Made Simple

Cranial nerves provide sensory and motor innervation to numerous structures that are important for speech, phonation, resonance, and swallowing. They also supply innervation to voluntary and involuntary muscles. An understanding of the cranial nerves is essential to the practice of speech-language pathology because they provide valuable information to the function regarding speech, voice, and swallowing […]

Research: Listener Response to Dialect in Music: A Comparison of Speakers of African American Dialect and Nondialect Speakers

Parker CR*, and Reeves-Pelt R

1Department of Communicative Disorders, School of Public Health, Jackson State University, United States 2Speech-Language Pathologist, Spanish Meadows Nursing & Rehabilitation, United States

*Corresponding author: Celeste R. Parker, Department of Communicative Disorders, School of Public Health, Jackson State University, Jackson, Tel: (601) 979-8877; Fax: (601) 432-6844, Email: Article Details

Received: […]

Deviations of Voice Characteristics in Female Speech Therapy Students that Smoke Using Dr. Speech

Tafiadis D3, Toki EI1,2,3, and Ziavra N1,2,3 1Laboratory of Audiology, Neurootology and Neurosciences, Department of Speech & Language Therapy, TEI of Epirus, Greece 2Laboratory of New Approaches in Communication Disorders, Department of Speech & Language Therapy, TEI of Epirus, Greece 3Department of Speech & Language Therapy, School of Health and Welfare, TEI of Epirus, Ioannina, […]

Research: Promoting Reading Success: The Effects of an Adapted Book on Reading Comprehension

Thomas D1, Ross B2 1Department of Health and Human Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University, United States 2Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Houston, United States

Corresponding author: Donna Thomas, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Department of Health and Human Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA, USA, Tel: 985.549.2214, Email: Article Details

Received: March 10, 2017; Accepted: […]