Submission Process

These guidelines cover manuscript preparation for the Journals of Aster Publications. All manuscripts must conform to our formatting guidelines before submitting, those manuscripts not meeting all of the requirements cannot be considered for publication in Aster journals and will be returned to the authors who may re-submit their paper after dealing with the issues raised.

Manuscripts must be submitted either via the online submission form or via email to the editor’s office. If the submission is completed successfully, an acknowledgment followed by a manuscript number will be e-mailed to the corresponding author within 48 hours.

Instructions to Authors

Categories of Manuscripts
Manuscript Preparation
Submission Preparation Checklist
Publication Charges
Indexing and Archiving
Creative Common Attribution

Categories of Manuscripts

Aster Publications accepts the following:

Research, Review, Case Report, Editorial, Short Communication, Expert review, Letters to the editor, Conference proceedings



Manuscript Preparation (Original Research)

Manuscript title: The title should be brief and catchy with no abbreviations or acronyms, and limited to 25 words or less.

Author Information: Names, Affiliations, telephone, and e-mail addresses for all authors should be provided in the manuscript, including selection of one to be the corresponding author.

A structured summary that includes:

Background: Brief introduction to the research topic.
Methods: Description of the study design, participants (if applicable), and methods used for data collection and analysis.
Results: Summary of the main findings.
Conclusion: Interpretation of the results and their implications.

This section should be accurate, self-contained, concise and specific , non-evaluative, coherent and readable. References should be avoided.

Introduction: This section should explain why the topic is under consideration, relevant and worthy of study. Also it should explain why the methodology is used in the present study and why it will provide new insights.

Materials and Methods: This section gives a detailed account of the procedure that was followed in completing the experiment(s). The methods section should: describe the research protocol, How the work and experiment were carried out, What were the organisms studied, how measurements were made, what calculations were performed, and state which statistical tests were done to analyze the data.

Authors should provide enough quantitative detail about the experimental protocol for other scientists to reproduce the experiments. When using a method described in another published source, provide the relevant citation to the source. Omit all explanatory information and background - save it for the discussion.

Results: Results section should present key experimental results (including any statistical analysis and whether or not the results of these are significant ) in an orderly and logical sequence using both text and illustrative materials (Tables and Figures).

Conclusion: Conclusion should be consistent with study objectives/research question. Explain how the results answer the question under study.

Acknowledgment: This section includes acknowledgment of people, grant details, funds, etc.

References:  Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. Only include in the reference list entries for which there are text citations, and make sure all citations (including references cited in tables) are included in the reference list.

Journals: Authors. Article title. Journal name. Year; Volume: inclusive pages.

Books: Authors. Book title. Edition number. City, State (or Country) of the publisher: Publisher name; Copyright Year.

Conference proceedings: Editors, Book Title, Conference Title, Date of the conference, Place of the conference, Place of Publication, Publisher, Date of publication, Pagination (page number).

Patents: Inventors, Assignee, Title, Patent Country, Document type, Country code, Patent number, Date issued.

Articles in Press: Authors, Article Title, Journal title, Note (forth coming, in press), Year.

Tables and Figures: Every Figure and Table included in the manuscript should be cited in the text in a consecutive order. We strongly encourage authors to submit tables as .doc format. The preferred file formats for photographic images are .doc, TIFF and JPEG.

Cover Letter: Authors are requested to submit a brief cover letter explaining the significance and novelty of the work and a conflict of interest statement along with the submission.

Supplementary data: Supplementary data should be submitted in a separate file(s), along with the manuscript.

Manuscript Preparation (Review Article)

Title and Authors:
Clear and concise title that reflects the scope of the review.
List of authors with affiliations and contact information.

A brief summary highlighting the purpose, scope, and main findings of the review.

Keywords that accurately describe the content for indexing and search purposes.

Background and context of the topic under review.
Objectives and rationale for conducting the review.

Description of the search strategy used to identify relevant literature (databases, keywords, inclusion/exclusion criteria).
Explanation of the selection process for articles included in the review.

Main Body:
Organized sections discussing different aspects or themes related to the topic.
Clear subheadings to guide the reader through the content.
Critical analysis and synthesis of the literature reviewed.
Comparison and contrast of different viewpoints or approaches.

Interpretation of the findings in the context of the broader field.
Identification of gaps in current knowledge or areas needing further research.
Implications of the findings for theory, practice, or policy.

Summary of the key findings from the review.
Recommendations based on the review’s outcomes.
Future directions for research or applications.

Comprehensive list of all sources cited in the review.

Figures and Tables:
Optional but often included to illustrate key concepts, data trends, or comparisons.
Properly labeled and referenced within the text.

Appendices (if applicable):
Additional supplementary material that enhances understanding but is not essential to the main text.

Acknowledgments (if applicable):
Recognition of individuals or organizations that contributed to the review but do not meet the criteria for authorship.

Manuscript Preparation (Case Report)

Title and Authors:
A concise and descriptive title that captures the essence of the case.
List of authors with affiliations and contact information.

A brief summary of the case, including patient demographics, main symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes.

Keywords that accurately describe the case for indexing and search purposes.

Brief background information on the condition or disease discussed in the case.
Rationale for reporting this particular case and its relevance to clinical practice or literature.

Case Presentation:
Detailed description of the patient's demographic information (age, gender), relevant medical history, chief complaint, and initial presentation.
Clinical findings from physical examination, laboratory tests, imaging studies, and other diagnostic procedures.
Chronological sequence of events leading to diagnosis and treatment decisions.

Diagnostic Assessment:
Explanation of diagnostic criteria used to establish the diagnosis.
Description of differential diagnoses considered and rationale for ruling them out.

Therapeutic Intervention:
Detailed description of the treatment administered to the patient, including medications, surgical procedures, or other interventions.
Response to treatment and any complications encountered.

Follow-up and Outcomes:
Follow-up information on the patient's progress after treatment initiation.
Clinical outcomes, including improvements in symptoms, disease progression, or complications.
Long-term prognosis and implications for future management.

Critical analysis of the case, including a comparison with similar cases reported in the literature.
Discussion of the clinical implications, lessons learned, and potential implications for clinical practice or research.
Reflection on challenges faced during diagnosis or treatment and their resolution.

Summary of the key findings from the case report.
Clinical pearls or take-home messages for healthcare professionals.

Comprehensive list of all sources cited in the case report.

Figures and Tables:
Optional but often included to illustrate key aspects of the case (e.g., clinical images, laboratory results).
Properly labeled and referenced within the text.

Informed Consent (if applicable):
Statement confirming that written informed consent was obtained from the patient or legal guardian for publication of the case report and accompanying images.

Manuscript Preparation (Short Communication)

A clear and descriptive title that succinctly summarizes the main findings or purpose of the communication.

List of authors with affiliations and contact information.

A brief summary that outlines the purpose, methods, key findings, and conclusions of the short communication.

Keywords that accurately describe the content for indexing and search purposes.

Brief background information to provide context for the study or observation.
Clear statement of the purpose or objectives of the short communication.

Methods (if applicable):
Description of the methods or approach used to obtain the findings.
Include any relevant details about study design, data collection, or analysis methods.

Presentation of the main findings or observations.
Use clear and concise language to describe the results, supported by data or evidence.

Interpretation of the findings in relation to existing literature or theoretical frameworks.
Discussion of the significance or implications of the findings for the field.
Address limitations or areas for further investigation if applicable.

Summary of the key findings or conclusions drawn from the short communication.
Highlight the novelty, significance, or potential impact of the findings.

List of all sources cited in the short communication.

Figures and Tables (if applicable):
Ensure figures and tables are clear, properly labeled, and referenced within the text.

Acknowledgments (if applicable):
Recognition of individuals or organizations that contributed to the research or preparation of the short communication.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submission’s compliance with all of the following items. Submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

1. Cover letter
2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word (or equivalent) file (NOT PDF), in English, single-spaced, using a 12-point font. All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Submit multiple files in one secure Zip file.
3. Spell and grammar checks have been performed.


Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism, in any form, is not accepted in our publication process. We believe in upholding the highest ethical standards, and it is essential for all authors to ensure that their work is original and properly attributed.

Authors are requested to check their article for plagiarism before submitting to journals of Aster Publications.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

To cover publication costs, Journals of Aster Publications have very minimal Article Processing Charges (APCs),  only upon editorial acceptance of an article. These charges are essential to support and sustain the editorial activities that ensure the quality and integrity of our journals. We are committed to transparency in our pricing and believe in facilitating open access to scholarly research without financial barriers for authors. This approach allows us to maintain rigorous peer review processes and uphold the standards of academic publishing while supporting researchers in sharing their work globally.

Indexing and Archiving

Aster Publications makes sure that all the journals and its articles published online are indexed and archived worldwide in as many (e-) archives, search engines and databases as possible, in order to guarantee their maximum dissemination and impact.




Creative Common Attribution

Aster Publications is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  Authors retain the full copyright to their work.