Recommended Articles ||A Phase One Exploratory Study of Distance Coaching of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Implementation Strategies for Speech-Language Pathologists||------||Construction of Dual Gene-activated Matrix Via Coaxial Electrospinning and Its Application in Periodontal Tissue Regeneration|| Evaluation of a Prototype Application for Supporting Visual-Graphic Symbol Acquisition in Preschool Aged Children with Complex Communication Needs||------||Anti-JOVI.1 Antibody to Detect Clonal T Cell Populations: Implementation into a Diagnostic Flow Cytometry Laboratory and Correlation with Clinical Findings||------||Efficacy of Mechanical, Subsonic, Ultrasonic and Photon-Induced Photoacoustic Streaming techniques in reducing Enterococcus faecalis in severely curved root canals: An ex vivo study||------||Eye-gaze Profiles of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Relation to Fast-mapping Abilities||------||Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) Softband Fitting in Treacher Collins Syndrome||......||The Correlation Between Lifetime Smoking and Ethnicity in People Who Smoke: A Study of Vocal Characteristics|


Focused on advancing research aimed at promoting and safeguarding population health. By emphasizing preventive care, health education, research, and the creation of policies designed to reduce health disparities, the journal seeks to foster the development of healthier communities with fair and equal access to healthcare and resources.

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 Community Medicine and Public Health Practice journal aims to publish research and reports focused on improving community health and well-being through disease prevention, health promotion, and effective public health program management. It emphasizes addressing health disparities, ensuring equitable healthcare access, and enhancing overall quality of life. The journal also strives to foster sustainable, community-driven solutions to health challenges at local, national, and global scales.

All the manuscripts published by  Community Medicine and Public Health Practice undergo rapid, quality, and quick review processing by eminent editorial and review teams maintaining high standards and ethics of publishing.

The scholarly content published online will be freely available to every reader anywhere in the world to read, download, copy, reuse and distribute, provided that the original work is properly cited.

Authors may submit their valuable work via the online submission form or via email to the editor’s office at


Community Medicine and Public Health Practice journal covers a wide range of topics related to the health and well-being of communities. Its scope includes, but is not limited to:

Disease Prevention and Control: Research on strategies to prevent infectious and non-communicable diseases, including vaccination programs, surveillance, and early detection.

Health Promotion: Studies on promoting healthy behaviors, lifestyles, and environments to reduce risk factors and improve overall community health.

Public Health Policy and Management: Analysis of public health systems, policy development, and the management of healthcare services at local, national, and international levels.

Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health: Research addressing health disparities, social determinants of health, and strategies for equitable access to healthcare services.

Global Health Issues: Studies on health challenges and interventions in different global settings, focusing on low-resource and underserved populations.

Environmental Health: Research on the impact of environmental factors on public health, including air, water, and soil quality, as well as climate change-related health risks.

Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Investigations into the distribution and determinants of diseases within populations, including statistical analysis to inform public health decision-making.

Community-based Research and Solutions: Projects involving community engagement, participatory research, and sustainable solutions to local health issues.


Community Medicine and Public Health Practice welcomes articles on disease prevention, health promotion, public health policy, and community-based healthcare interventions. It encourages research on innovative approaches to improving health outcomes at local, national, and global levels.

Key Topics

  • Disease Prevention and Control
    Health Promotion and Education
    Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance
    Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health
    Global Health and Infectious Disease Management
    Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Lifestyle Factors
    Public Health Policy and Administration
    Environmental Health and Sustainable Development
    Maternal and Child Health
    Mental Health and Well-being
    Healthcare Systems and Access to Care
    Vaccination and Immunization Programs
    Community-based Participatory Research
    Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response
    Health Impact Assessment and Evaluation
    Climate Change and Health
    Infectious Disease Outbreaks and Preparedness
    Social and Behavioral Health Interventions
    Nutrition and Public Health
    Aging Population and Geriatric Health

Community Medicine and Public Health Practice  follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines for issues of fraud, image manipulation, and duplicate publication.